Extract from The Viscount and The Orphan by Rosemary Morris

                                         The Viscount and the Orphan by Rosemary Morris


Extract from Chapter One.


”Dorinda sat in her strict guardian’s town coach, eyes shut, her head against the squab. The final scene and words from her favourite novel smuggled into the school by repeated themselves in her head.

‘Noble Lord Tancred knelt before Lady Amanda, who sat on a bench in her father’s secluded garden.

His hair fair as barley glistened in the sunlight, and his eyes, the colour of a clear midsummer blue sky, shone adoringly as he clasped her small, white hand. “My true love, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

Her face suffused with blushes Amanda nodded.

“My dear heart, I shall treasure you for as long as we live.” His face ablaze with love, Tancred pressed a kiss onto her hand.

Dorinda sighed, her breasts straining uncomfortably against her drab grey bodice. One day, she would marry a gentleman as tall, handsome, and charming as fictional Lord Tancred, and they would live happily ever after. Lost in fantasy she imagined herself as her unknown, future husband’s beloved dear heart.”


What does reality have in store for sixteen-year-old Dorinda?


Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Viscount-Orphan.../dp/B0BGS7RJ3G


Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0228623200/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0...


https://bwlpublishing.ca/morris-rosemary To buy a book click on a book cover to be taken to your favourite online book store.


Read the first three chapters of my novels on my website. www.rosemarymorris.co.uk


I enjoy e-mails about novels. srilekharach@hotmail.com.



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